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Advisory Services

Music Studio
& Advisory Services

Having the right lyrics, melody or sound does not guarantee financial success within the music industry. UZUN music advisors have the ability to enhance  opportunities for distribution on the small or the big screen or notably, soliciting the interest of prominent recording labels.  

Matching works to commercial or corporate use, UZUN studios not only offer state of the art sound and recording technologies, they also offer compatible vocal styles and veteran musicians that place your works and intended audience  in the ideal mood and environment. 

On the corporate front, UZUN can facilitate the selection  and tailoring of melodies or sounds from its large database to be utilized in film or television scenes, radio and television advertisements, social media captions or in the selection of tailored playlists for private or public venues . 

More recently, UZUN has specialized its advisory services in creating “Sonic Logos”, a short series of notes that is unique to your business which are at times even more effective than the visual (graphic)  company logo.