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Royalty Collection

Collection & Investigations

UZUN is laser focused on collecting the entrusted music works with diligence and determination; vigorously hunting every penny that is owed to our composers, lyricists, songwriters and musicians. To amass their deserved royalties, UZUN continuously seeks to remain omnipresent via its collaboration networks which includes prominent global collecting societies in virtually all local and international markets, with a strong emphasis on the regions with a dense Arab Diaspora.

UZUN Legal representation cover the dispatch or the exploitation of registered works in most audio and visual channels, stemming from concerts, musical events, radio, television, film, social media, download applications, streaming sites, to reach other forms of digital or scripted modifications. With full transparency, members can stay in control of the progress of their collection services via password protected online account which enables them to track their royalty balance, with helpful statistics such as their most  revenue generating works or most fruitful markets.